February 24, 2022 - The day Russia's military invaded Ukraine will be remembered the same in Europe as the terrorist strikes on 9/11/2001 in the USA.

From day one International Networx has been helping Ukrainians; refugees by purchasing airline tickets (lots) and organizing logistics, offering comfort and support at borders. In the field, our teams have provided humanitarian aid and purchased vehicles, generators, bulletproof vests, food, medical aid, construction materials, and more. The prayer and emotional support has encouraged many in Ukraine.


The economy took a huge hit and many people who stayed or could not flee are suffering. One Ukrainian pastor says more than 2.5 million people are without a place to live. These are referred to as displaced people within the country.

Leaning on our history of construction in Ukraine, we are now helping to build houses.

We are networking with factories, city leaders, pastors, and builders to help mobilize the construction of wood frame houses. Though Ukraine is still fighting to liberate many of its border regions, our builders are working in safe areas where displaced people have fled and where housing is limited.


Wood framing is not as popular in Eastern Europe, but International Networx introduced this faster method to Ukrainian pastors and missionaries in 2001. Our portfolio has grown as we trained local men to build.

For the massive need, we must train many more builders. They are grateful for new opportunities. We believe God will provide salaries for them so they can support their families as they help their nation recover. We want to pay them while they build houses for those who CAN NOT afford to pay them. We will also need to purchase tools to replace what was lost to war.

Networx president/CEO and senior missionary is coordinating efforts within Ukraine and forging new partnerships.

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