Reflecting and praying ...
God has changed the plans for many this year. Those simple things in life that we took for granted have been seriously altered and surely now have a greater value. An example of this has been the simple fact of meeting physically and because of this we pray that God will help and move us to be his Church, be one body in Him, so that isolation does not cause division, comparison or lack of communication cause in our hearts a greater hardness and thinking that being defensive or neutral on certain issues will lead us to peace and healing. We pray that being right will not be our priority but that His overflowing love and compassion fill us and move us to a Kingdom way of living here and now.
We pray that our hearts will be moved to greater sensitivity towards those who suffer. Our greatest request is for people who have suffered beyond our understanding, which continue to hide, without freedom, in wars and above all in great spiritual poverty without having him to cry out to. Our lives are his and we continue to prepare ourselves not in search of fame, successful businesses, prestigious certificates or fancy titles, all this we put at his feet and to his will so they could be used as a resource for his purpose and a way to carry his word to those not yet, as well as a way to meet and love them deeply.
Our prayer continues to be that each one of us continue to praise God in the midst of pain, insecurity or even frustration; Let it be that sincere praise that rises when it might seem less appropriate, that praise which Job also mentions:
“Naked I came from my mother’s womb,
and naked I will depart.
The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away;
may the name of the Lord be praised.”
Job 1:21
and that after being put through fire we can say:
“My ears had heard of you
but now my eyes have seen you."
Job 42: 5
On this last day of the year we lift up this prayer for your lives and homes, for your families and children, as well as those around you. May we all continue to carry his light, share his truth root ourselves in his word and remain in it, may our eye continually be fixed on the perfector and finisher of our faith and may his purpose be fulfilled in each one of us and in those not yet and that we already love. Amen!
With great love and gratitude ... The Corral's
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The Corral’s
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