Your Name
First Name
Last Name
Date of birth
Social Security or ID Number
Country of citizenship
Primary phone number and communication apps you use
Web address &/or social media address
Mailing Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
List all languages and proficiency
What specifically do you need from us?
EXAMPLE: Receive donations, hold funds in US bank, distribute funds to the field, website hosting, etc...
Marital Status
Would rather not say
Spouse's First & Last Name (type n/a if not applicable)
First Name
Last Name
Spouse's Date of Birth
if not applicable use 01 01 9999
Wedding Anniversary Date
if not applicable use 01 01 9999
Children's Names & birthdates
If you are NOT in good health please explain:
If you have any disabilities, please describe:
Describe your born-again experience to include any baptism(s):
Are you licensed or ordained? With whom?
Denomination/Organization Affiliation?
Name of Your Home Church and how long?
Your Pastor's Contact Details
Name and Email of Your Pastor
Church Address: City, State/Province, Country, Post Code
Church Phone Number
List ministry activities you are currently or have been involved with
Please provide details of an individual we should contact in case of an emergency
Include: First & Last Name, Phone, Email
Your relationship with this individual
Details of church(es) or ministry(ies) you will be working with.
Include the Church or Ministry Name
Ministry Leader’s Name and contact information
Ministry Activities
Provide a brief description of the ministry activities you plan to be involved with over the next 12 months:
Contact person in case we can not reach you
Include First & Last Name, Email Address, Phone, Address, City, State/Province, Zip, Country
What quantity of funds do you anticipate us processing for you monthly?
USD or other currency (explain)
Your Bank Details:
My Bank Name
Bank SWIFT code
Bank Routing Number
My Bank Account Number
My address and phone number listed with the bank
MONEY TRANSFER PREFERENCES (Check applicable options in your country)
If cash withdrawals at an ATM machine are not available, list other options you may use in your country, such as Western Union, PayPal, G-Pay, Wise, or Other Money Transfer Options